Changes in Fuel Tax Credits

Multiple changes to the fuel tax credits entitlement, including the clean energy measures, mean that from 1 July 2013 different rates now apply to various fuel types and activities. Some rate changes are due to increased carbon charge amounts; there has been a rate change for fuels used in heavy vehicles for travelling on public roads and rate changes for transport and non-transport gaseous fuels.

In addition, rates for some fuels have changed for entities declared by the Clean Energy Regulator to be a designated opt-in person under the opt-in scheme.

When you calculate the fuel tax credit claim, you need to use the rate that applied when the fuel was acquired. However, for fuel used in heavy vehicles for travelling on a public road, you need to use the rate in effect at the beginning of the tax period covered by the Business Activity Statement (BAS).

For more detailed information on the rates effective from 1st July, click here to download the fuel tax tables.

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Picture of Philip Brookes

Philip Brookes

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